Monday, 3 February 2014

Audience Profile - Captive

Gender = Female/Male
Age = 14-17
Education = 6th Form/College
Occupation = Sales assistant/Unemployed
Income(a month) = £0 - £200
Relationship status = Single
  • Likes = Media,Film,Shopping,Fashion,Cinema,Chocolate,Fizzy Drinks, McDonalds, Nandos, Social networks, Made in Chelsea, Make-up and Art.
  • Dislikes = Early mornings, Running, Cold weather, Water, Eating healthy and PE. 
Demographics = D/E 
Psychographics = Explorers/Aspirers 

I decided the age for my audience profile based on the information the primary evidence on the survey based on the thriller genre , which is the genre of the film, 'Captive'. The most people who had done completed the survey were women, however this could be biased because there are 3 females in our group and only one male, so when people are asked the majority are going to be female. However the males who have answered the survey are not far behind. This is why i have not made a decision for the gender who would watch the film this is because I think the film will appeal to both genders.

I also based the age of my audience member on the findings from the survey as well. The majority of the age range that has completed the survey was: 14-17 years olds, this why I made my age of the audience member to between the ages of 14-17.

I have decide to make the likes and dislikes for the audience member a stereotypical view of teenagers interests. One of the things young people enjoy are social networking meaning they can be become more involved with films through things such as: viral marketing campaigns and competitions. Furthermore this could also link to the second highest age of participants in the survey which is, 18-20 year olds, this is because they also enjoy social media. Also they  share the same interests such as: fashion. In addition I chose the demographics i did because most 14-17 year olds,don't have a lot of spare money to do extra things because they are still in full time education or have a low paid part-time job but will use the spare to money to go out on the weekend to the cinema. Also the psychographics i decided was the explorers/aspirers, this is because this age range is open to new opinions and adventures given to them,which makes them more interested and wanting to see a psychology thriller film(which our film 'Captive' is).

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